Wednesday, August 04, 2010

This one even has a dude in it.


...and a background

I'm more or less settled in Oregon now and have finally gotten to get back to work (which feels pretty great). I still feel like the part of my work I like the most is the pencil drawings and I'm not quite sure how to rectify that. Fun story this started as a digital piece, with which I proceeded to get frustrated, started a painted version, which at about 5 hours in I realized that there were two sweat droplets and was abandoned (painting over gouache never seems to work) and basically started the digital version all over again. I think I miss the critique world, maybe I need to look into studios in the Portland area or just make some art friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is my favorite work of yours in a while. The repetition, though infuriating I'm sure, really paid off. You must have learned a good deal about the composition and color as you went. Well done!